24 September 2008

Doe - a DEER!

I was driving around the Hills of Dundee this evening - around 6:30 pm picking up applications from my new pack in Dundee. The gal is rather well off and lives up in the hills. While I was about to leave, there were two deer - well, a doe and her fawn simply walking straight up the street. before I could get a good photo of both of them, the fawn trotted? (lollipopped) over to a bush and began grubbing down. Just thought I'd share...

Oh, and yesterday when I drove to PDX to pick up my bb gun kit for this weekend, Lisa and I went out for Mexican and not only was the company fabulous, the conversation was fun and witty and we both loved that Cloris lady who thumped her 82 year old leg up on Brunos desk as he was critiquing her dance on Monday...ah, the humor.

Here are some pics...ok, so dumb camera phone - stupid me because my real camera was sitting right there. So grainy that you can't see them really. Yucky.

Sorry folks.

1 comment:

Raging Stallion said...

The last time I went to Girl's Camp, I saw four deer on the way home, but I was too worried about hitting them to enjoy their beauty.