24 April 2008

Quick $$$

I am watching the news and see a quick way to make money. You see, if you are smart, you'd do this too.


1. Find a foreclosed home
2. clean it up, give a spring clean
3. Change the locks
4. Turn on the electricity

There you have it...collect rent on a foreclosed on home that is owned a bank. Dang, why I didn't I think of that!? I really need to be more creative in my 2nd income options. haha...

Anywho...Pack meeting tonight. I need to download some pictures from the snowy camporee last weekend and get them uploaded.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Candace said...

Yeah Sharon - I want to see some snowy camp pics! My son is a non-informant! I want to see how it was! lol