09 February 2013

One of the best years of my life...

The age given to me by my awesome cousin is 23.

The year is 1999 and I'm a return missionary from Germany, Leipzig Mission. I have worked really hard to pay cash for college at BYU. In fact, I worked under the table at two jobs and put all my wages in my dresser drawer. If my brothers had known, I probably wouldn't have a degree!

I moved to Provo, UT in May and couldn't move into my apartment for a week because I had no idea how it worked. I hadn't read any of the materials (shhh, we were all dumb at one point right?). I ended up calling my cousins Alohi Clah and family. They took care of me for an entire week before I could move in. I also was dehydrated like the first 12 weeks I was in town. I was not used to needing THAT much water. I met Patti Jo and Omel C. the first week and they were my BFFs.

I had an apartment at Miller Apartments and LOVED sharing a parking lot with my childhood friend Emily Jorgensen and her hubby Eric Jorgensen. I also adored my roommates Maly Willis, Daravanh Rattana Bills, Susy Samad Ferreira, Lorena Aguilar-Booth and a few others. They were the most awesomest roomies ever! But in a close 2nd place, the boys who lived across the hall – Brent Christensen and Travis Hobbs were awesome. I’d have breakfast with Brent nearly every morning and get my “update”. They also were kind enough to let me work out with them. I had never done that before. Hehe.

Kami Anderson helped me graduate because she was so stinkin’ smart (still are girl!).

It was a GOOD year. One of my favorites honestly. So sweet of you to mention it Becca Neilson Robinson.
And there you have it.  Emily also reminded me that I dragged her bum out of bed at the forsaken hour of 5:45 to go to Water Aerobics (which I LOVED btw) and we had some fun times.  Good stuff that year.  :)   The next wasn't soooo bad, until June.  That's when I met Will. :( 

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